Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Will power

Called in sick last Friday. I had a terrible headache Thursday night after work that I decided to see a doctor (as I was prodded by so many people). Friday morning I went to the clinic and consulted with a family med doctor. She read my history and found out that I had 2 pending tests to undergo - perimetry test and EEG. So, she ordered me to take the tests but the EEG was replaced by a treadmill test and then referred me to a neurologist.

Saturday morning I went to see the ophthalmologist and she said I really needed to take the perimetry test because the veins in my eyes were quite pale and that the pressure was bordering on abnormal. The test could also check if the mild stroke that I had affected my brain.

Sunday, morning I went to see my neurologist and he told me that I have a complicated migraine. He gave me three different sets of medicine. Propranolol, which I should take twice a day for a period of forty five days; Ibuprofen, when normal headache occurs; and lastly Avamigran, for classic migraine attacks. I'll go back after a month to see if I responded to the first medicine he gave me.

This week, I have to check if the HMO approved the two tests that the doctor ordered. If approved I had to call the hospital to schedule the procedure. For perimetry, it's going to be done at UST. For the tread mill stress test I can have it done at the Chinese General Hospital. But I have to check for the availability of the said hospitals.

My uncle proposes another cure. He says he could administer chiropractic therapy on me but I need to take a leave of absence from work for two weeks. I'm not sure if I am amenable to that. But I thought of asking my boss if she could temporarily reassign me to our district office near my house so that I could still go to work even if I am under therapy. But before I could do that I need to secure a medical certificate from my doctors.

I still feel weak. The chest pains are still there although they are intermittent. The headache attacks have been minimized but I still got this eerie feeling. My blood pressure is consistent at 90/60.

Am I sick? Probably. It's a matter of will power.

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