Saturday, November 15, 2008


It all started this morning. I had a bad dream. In it I was screaming my guts out, but lo and behold - there was only a grunt. At least that was how I woke up, heard myself grunt twice. But in my dream I was screaming. Happens to me all the time, mind you. The perpetual pessimist that I am. Trying to change that, with all the paradigm shift mumbo jumbo.

In the Philippines I may be called praning a Filipino slang for paranoid. The state of being in a state of disturbed thought process which typically includes a perceived threat towards yourself. Beat that! I have my moments of insanity. Believe me. And I can really be good at it.

Probably too much TV.

Better get back to reading. It takes my mind off of things that I shouldn't be worried about.

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